Friday, July 17, 2015

Home Town Awesome-ness ;-)

During the month of July, Wallace County 4-H families and volunteers kick into high gear. The county fair is by far the most eagerly anticipated event every year in our small county. Three towns combine to put on a phenomenal exhibition of hospitality and quality exhibits. I know I moan and groan a bit about having to find volunteers to staff things, but when the week is all over, I'm always ready to do it again!

The week starts early for the 4-Hers doing the style show on Monday. Then it is on to arts and crafts and by Thursday everything is at full-steam ahead. That is when the livestock shows begin and people flock to the fairgrounds starting at 7 in the evening to get on the rides at the home-owned carnival.

I have been to numerous fairs, some much larger than our own. But the one thing I absolutely love is the fact that I can trust the people running the rides to be quality people that I would trust my kids (or nieces or nephews) around. They aren't there to get your money. They are there to provide a safe and fun time for everyone attending. It's nice to know that you aren't looked at as just another dollar in their pocket.

The final night of the fair is complete with a free-will donation barbecue that is put on by the county ministerial alliance. It is great food and is served by members of all the county churches working side by side! And the big finale of the entire week is the spectacular fireworks display that certainly out-does many a fireworks display I have seen at much larger towns or venues. Makes it all worth the wait! The entire carnival comes to a standstill as hundreds of attendees turn to stare at the skies. Brings chills to me just thinking about it. Then the carnival slowly shuts down as parents pull their reluctant children away from the home-made cotton candy and fun rides...sometimes the little ones actually fall asleep on the rides ;-)

This video will give you just the tiniest glimpse of what our county does during this busy week. When our current pastor was assigned to our church about 6 years ago, they moved here right around the time of the fair. After participating in it to get the full experience, he told us during his sermon that everyone that helps/volunteers during the week should get a "I survived the Wallace County Fair" t-shirt! And he has loved participating in it every year from then on.

Here is the video from last year's fair. I filmed the footage and students of mine put it all together. And as my cousin pointed out, I missed filming the traditional water fight during the fair clean-up on Sunday. There is a good reason for that...I would like to keep my camera gear in functioning order ;-)


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