Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rollin', rollin', rollin'......

My post last night was in a bit of humor. In reality, we have been dealing with some horrendous wind lately. In comparison to the recent tornadoes in other areas of the Midwest, the wind is minor. But it still creates a HUGE set of new problems.

For instance, my dad had to take his tractor and chisel to one of our fields because it was blowing so bad. Chiseling is done strategically around the field to break up the ground in an attempt to keep the topsoil from blowing so badly. Top soil is a key component in growing a good crop so it is never good to lose it. It also creates visibility problems when it is blowing so badly and if a field is next to a major highway, it can have deadly results.

Another issue is that any type of dead weed is transformed into a tumbleweed with the wind catches it and rolls it around for miles and miles. Those tumbleweeds have to stop somewhere, and it is usually a fence line or tree line. Once they all get caught in the fences, they create a lot of surface area to catch the wind. It puts a tremendous amount of force on those fences and often times it tears the metal staples out of the fence posts and sometimes even breaks the wire.

This is the fence line next to my house. 
This is the other side of the fence. You have to look pretty close to notice that it is even a fence. You can just barely see the top of one fence post.
Now, after all that complaining about the wind, I have to say that today was one of those days that makes me love living here. No wind, beautiful weather and just a day to appreciate what God has blessed me with. Hope that you were fortunate enough to enjoy the day as well.


Sarah Ziegler said...

Keep up the good blogging, I have a friend that has never been to a farm or ever seen a calf be born so I will show her this blog and I am trying to talk her into coming home with me one of these weekends

The Farmgirl said...

That would be great! That's why I started doing it. I've had a lot of questions from friends about farm life, so this is a great way to share it.

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