Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Cleaning

We have an old shed in our backyard and it has needed cleaned for quite some time. The problem has spiders in it. So, this weekend seemed like a safer weekend to clean it out. In my head, spiders aren't as dangerous when it is colder weather. Although, at one point, I thought I noticed something on my back and sure enough, it was a granddaddy long-leg spider...still gives me the willies thinking about it now.

As you can see, the shed is pretty old. The wood shingles on the side are in bad shape and we need to get it covered with something else. It's never a good thing when you can see daylight through the side of the building like you can in this picture.

It is kind of neat to look through the items in the shed and think about how my grandpa might have used them. Of course, most of the items are no longer useful and just need to be thrown out. But it is still neat to see the history.

Can't help but wonder what my grandpa used this little shelf for throughout the years.

These are just some of the "treasures" I found. A lot of it got thrown out, but the old wooden baskets are definitely keepers.
These two metal cabinets, according to my dad, were smokers that they used to smoke meat years before he was alive. Kind of neat to think of that type of living and how self-reliant they were in those days.

It's always interesting moving into a house that someone else use to occupy and having to sort through their things. It has been a huge process every since I moved into the house 4 or 5 years ago, but at least it is family. It makes me feel like I get to know my grandparents a little better each time I find a little item I haven't seen before.

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