Monday, April 23, 2012

This is the time of the year when I am incredibly busy with school. It seems like every hour I'm in my classroom, I have at least one e-mail or one person with some "small" task that they need done immediately. I sigh, take a deep breath, maybe complain a little and then try to add it to my pile of things to do.

It's days like the one I had today that I love driving home. It is my escape. I don't have anyone at home demanding that I adhere to their schedule. I chill out on the drive home and take a break from my "life" once I'm away from town.

This is a pic of a beautiful foggy morning we had a couple of weeks ago. Still kind of takes my breath away.

Because of the wonderful moisture and mild weather we have been blessed with, we have wheat that is far ahead of schedule and we are looking for an early harvest. I still don't quite understand how a tiny little seed grows into something like this...I guess that is why God designed it and not me ;-)

We are working cattle this weekend so I am hoping to gather some photos from that. It is always a day we plan around because it is so vital to our ranching operation. I look forward to it all year long and I look forward to posting pictures from the activities. Have a blessed week!

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