Friday, February 28, 2014

Farmgirl In Training

This was spoken by a little fourth grade girl today. Her family has a very strong farm/ranch background and she is a good worker. The girl next to her had just said something like, "If you live in a city then you would do fashion and stuff like that."

The young farmgirl responded with, "If I were never introduced to a farm I would just be weird. For me, I would just be plain weird."

It is hard to find an advocate for agriculture that puts it in any better words than that!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gotta Love Farm Kids

I know it has been FOREVER since I have posted on here. I've been dealing with some things in my life the past few months that have made those months some of the hardest I've ever deal with (and before you ask, no it isn't my marriage. I'm still married to a wonderful man that I love even more today than before). However, one thing that is helping get through it and heal is the kids at the school where I teach and some of the things they say.

I usually post these on Facebook, but I have two stories for today and it takes a bit of explaining. So here they are:

1. During first grade art yesterday we were just having a grand ol' time. That class is all girls except for one boy and they just crack me up. They are all little chatterboxes, too. Anyway, I'm not sure what they were talking about, but their classroom teacher smiled and told one of them that animals have thoughts, too. The little girl's response was, "Yeah, my horse made a bad decision one time and he bucked me off."

2. Today I took a slightly different approach to my second grade art class which is full of rambunctious kids that usually cause me a little extra stress. So I started the class by putting two photos on the board, one of a lion and the other of a lamb. I asked them what they thought the two animals might have in common just to see if they would figure out where I was going with the lesson. There were many guesses, one of which was, "They are animals." I laughed and gave them the other hint and asked them what month it was going to be next month. They figured out that it was March. Then I asked if they had ever heard a saying about March. There were several humorous answers, but my favorite was when one little girl raised her hand and said, "That's when baby animals are born!" I'm pretty sure that's not a standard answer in most schools ;-) For those of you who haven't figured it out already, I was trying to get them to figure out the saying that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Then we discussed the fact that our weather is all messed up in western Kansas so the lion and lamb get all mixed up as well. So we are now drawing one animal that the class voted to call a "liamb."

Hopefully those stories brought a bit of a smile to your face. And here is just one little thought to finish it all off. I'm glad to have been born and raised here in western Kansas, and the phone call I got tonight just confirmed how fortunate I am to have been raised the way I was. My dad called to discuss plans for attending an ABS (American Breeders Service) meeting tomorrow night and finished by telling me he has to go to Wal-Mart before the meeting to take care of a discrepancy on his bill there yesterday. What was that discrepancy? Well, after returning home and looking at his receipt, he noticed that they apparently didn't charge him enough and he owes them about $10. Love my family!