As my family and friends can attest, I sometimes come up with some crazy ideas. And those friends and family usually get taken along for the ride as well.
Now, let me explain the pictures with this blog. About three years ago, I convinced two of my younger cousins to do a funny video for another cousin's birthday. For the video, they reenacted stories from our childhood and also high school years. It involved two muscular high school aged boys, one wearing a strawberry blonde wig and the other a long blonde wig, and acting like girls. The cousin we did the video for loved the video and it became a family conversation piece.
So, of course, we had to do another one. When that same cousin was in the hospital awaiting the arrival of her wonderful daughter, we thought it would be a great time to do another one. Again, hilarious and a family conversation piece.
Since Star Wars has been a bit of a tradition in our family, we obviously had to complete our trilogy so we just recently filmed the third installment and we called it- "Return of the Cousins: Episode III". However, this one had an extra twist. The older cousins donned some wigs as well and reenacted stories about our younger cousins. In the above picture we are wearing the wigs appropriate for our characters.
There are so many things I LOVE about my family, but one of the biggest ones is having a family that LOVES to laugh. That's why they put up with me I think. So, when we arrived tonight to watch the video we had a wonderful red carpet reception. We do things up right in this family!
The night was filled with family, laughter, food, laughter, good times and laughter!
Throughout a stressful and drought filled summer my family and faith has kept me grounded. We find the joy in the people around us and I'm so thankful that those around me love to laugh just as much as me ;-)